Quick and Easy Hairstyles For Unwashed Hair

Let’s be honest, as much as we would all love to have fresh clean hair every day, we don’t always have enough time for that.

Washing, drying AND styling can take forever, so knowing some good cheats to get your hair lasting that much longer between washes is a huge bonus to most of us, girls.

Of course, we don’t want anyone noticing if our hair is a little bit greasy… but if you’re short on time then I do have some great hairstyles to share with you which can be a real lifesaver.

Ideally I like to wash my hair every other day but for those times that I am in too much of a rush, these are my go to hair styles.

With any of these styles or if you don’t even have time for a basic style, then I really do recommend to use a dry shampoo. Trust me, this stuff is magic! I try not to rely on it too often but really it is amazing. You can even get it in colours to match your hair.

The Donut

My personal favourite has to be the donut. It makes me laugh that I get so many positive comments when I wear my hair in a donut and all I am thinking is ‘Ha! Yeah but you don’t know I only did this as I couldn’t be bothered to wash my hair’.

This is a great style for looking sleek & polished at work.

So, invest in a decent sized donut! They are only cheap and come in so handy.

How to style

1) Tie hair up in a ponytail – you can either go messy or sleek depending on your preference or what you have planned for the day.

Tip – Sleek is easier if you need to cover greasy hair, use a fine-toothed comb for best results

2) Pull hair through the donut – So that your hair is now still in the ponytail but with the donut covering the hairband.

Tip – Make sure you get a big enough donut. The regular sized ones are only really good for fine hair

3) Cover donut all around with hair then secure with another hairband.

Tip – Using a hairband to secure hair in place saves loads of time rather than messing around trying to secure the whole lot with kirby grips!

4) For any excess hair, you could either tuck it into the hairband or just use a few grips to secure.

Tip – Waved hair pins work better than kirby grips and save even more time as you don’t need to stretch them open

Sleek Ponytail

Don’t underestimate the classic ponytail. If you do it right then you will be sure to look sexy and sassy. I actually struggle to get a sleek ponytail with super clean hair, I find it much easier to style this way a few days after washing my hair.

How to style

1) Scrape hair back with a brush, or use a comb to get it really neat.

Tip – Don’t put your hair up too high, we want sleek & sexy not pineapple head

2) Tie your hair back with a hairband.

Tip – Use a hairband that matches your hair colour in case it starts to show

3) Take a small section of hair from the underside of the ponytail and wrap it around the hairband so that it is fully covered, secure in place with a kirby grip or two.

4) For extra glam, run your straighteners through your ponytail

Tip – Secure fully by using some hairspray


Curls are simply quicker and easier to do on unwashed hair. Use some dry shampoo on the roots if need be then work through large sections creating fabulous beach style waves.

How to style

1) Use a crocodile clip to section hair, start with the underneath

2) Use a curling iron, PYT flat iron, curling wand or hair straightening brush to create curls

Tip – work on sections around an inch wide

3. Spray with hairspray and/or dry shampoo to finish

Tip – Put your head upside down and shake your hair through with fingers before applying hairspray to create a more natural & voluminous look

Extra tip – you can use hairspray after to secure the look but a better option which works great is to use some more dry shampoo. It holds the look without getting a sticky coating and allows the waves to flow free

Zig Zag Parting

This is also a great trick for when you want to hide your roots that need colouring! It does wonders to hide my sneaky grey hairs.

A zig zag parting also gives a fabulous root boost to otherwise flat & lifeless hair.

How to style

1. Spray your roots and hair with some dry shampoo and leave to settle for a few minutes

2. Ruffle your hair up with your fingers, getting rid of any excess dry shampoo

3. Use a pintail comb to zig zag a parting through your hair. You can do this in the centre or like I prefer at the side.

Tip – If you are especially creative why not do this starting from the front of the head to one side then going back diagonally to the other side at the back

Double French Braid

I love this look. It’s cute and cheeky. It’s perfect for weekends spent shopping or just hanging with friends.

How to style

1) Thoroughly comb hair and part down the middle so you have two sections

2) Starting at the front of the hair line on one side, separate the front inch away from the rest of the hair and divide that into 3 sections of equal parts.

3) Now go ahead and plait whilst adding more hair to each section as you work your way down the head.

Check out this video if you are not sure what I mean!